- I'm not very good at it!
- It helps me to timetable planned activities
- I've found limiting/timing myself helps keep to a schedule
- I spend a lot of time procrasti-cleaning.
- Procrastination is dangerous but I'm really good at it.
- It's okay to take breaks from work, I don't have to feel guilty every time I'm not working.
- Though I should sometimes, I need to plan more hours working at home.
- It helped to write the amount of things to do/aim for. Such as 3x media tests or 4x blog catch up by Wednesday.
- Blogging became easier when I planned it into my day rather than putting it off. I found dedicating a whole day to catch up helped compartmentalise my brain.
- I need to plan my week, every week, around timetabled sessions and work.
Me as a Practitioner:
- I spend a lot of time worrying instead of doing.
- From the Bigheads talk I realised its Okay to not like drawing all the time.
- I'm beginning to enjoy making images after a year of not doing.
- I like making my work more textured, I've rediscovered embroidery - Something I'd like to pursue.
- A finished piece doesn't need to be outlined in pen to be neat and final.
- Experimenting with media really does help, something I've opened myself up to in the last brief.
- Anxiety stops me from being able to start things, I've found that once I begin i'm fine.
- I find I leave things until the last minute causing unnecessary stress but I work better this way too. I'm going to make myself go grey.
- Ignoring things until they go away doesn't work, but managing my time better makes things easier.
- I've missed working in media other than pen.
5 Things to improve my Time Management:
- Try to timetable each week - especially important closer to deadlines.
- Prioritise 'To Do' lists.
- Keep all time planning/lists in one place. NOT on scrappy pieces of paper.
- Write 'To Do' lists organised by module and section such as blogging or sketchbook work.
- Write the amount of each task such as: 5 A3 development sheets
5 Successes:
- Working in different media has helped get back into making work.
- After struggling with this OUIL405 in the beginning I managed to get back on track with it.
- Drawing and redrawing the same image to refine it makes it stronger, it also helps to tighten compositions.
- Drawing a rough skeleton first before drawing the rest of the body helps achieve more accurate proportions. (seriously why have i only just discovered this)
- I found a solution to my mess of ideas eventually and have managed to stick to it after a lot of flitting.
5 Things that didn't go to plan:
- My brain.
- Working in pen, it feels very soulless at the minute
- Finishing all my finals in a weekend. I'm an idiot.
- Catching up over christmas, I had the best laid plans!
- Being a superstar time planner, i've improved slightly but not enough.
- Research and write my COP essay, I was too nervous to start.
- Coming into Uni every day and not sticking my head in the sand.
5 Things I want to revisit/do more of:
- Use different media and develop them.
- Try sewing/making more textured work.
- Listen when people tell me what's good for me, such as redrawing things!
- Indesign: I need to learn the basics because it still confuses me, the same for Illustrator.
- Making images, I want to fall back in love with it!