Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Creative CV

Creative CV

Initial content for my CV:
Do I write in third person? A lot of people do but I find it a little strange and forced. How do I write something good about myself when my biggest strength is self-deprecating?

I am an Illustrator from Leeds, an avid tea drinker and animal enthusiast you can find me hidden in coffee shops writing or drawing, wearing stripes. I volunteer at Hope Pastures Horse and Donkey Sanctuary, the driving force behind my interest in fundraising and helping others, I give any help and resources I can to those four legged friends that need it. 
I dream about my work being in books and magazines, and someday being able to live on a farm surrounded by nature and inspiration. 

BA Hons Illustration
Leeds College of Art 2013 - present

A-Level: Extended Diploma in Graphic Design (DDD)
Leeds College of Art 2012-2013
AS Levels in Photography (A) and Graphic Design (B)
Leeds West Academy

Previous Employment and Work Experience: 
Group Exhibition:
Vivaria, North Bar, 2015
Off The Page, Colours May Vary, 2015
Thought Bubble Comic Convention ,2012,2013
Process, Medium Art Supplies, 2014

Bird Studies, Mrs Athas, 2014

Creative Skills:
  • A wide exploration of media
  • Knowledge of type and layout
  • Competent in Adobe PS and InDesign

- Helping animals
- Charity Fundraising
- Going to gigs
- 60s and 70s culture - Folk, Psychedelic 
- eBaying!

References: Available on request