Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Leeds 4 Syria : Cubs & Wren X Sister Said

 Me and my partner in crime have been working hard on making stuff, and it's been tons of fun. Bobbi (cubs) is a recent Graphic Design graduate and my best friend, she's also the person who helps me out with everything work wise and pushes me to make more stuff. We did a stall at the Brudenell for the Leeds 4 Syria event they were running on Valentine's day, where 10% of your profits went to help syria. 
The table was split into two; mine and Bobbi's work and Sister Said work. 

Sister Said
The brain child of Bobbi, helped to run by me, Sister Said is a collective we run that pushes the work of new designers, we take other people's work to craft fairs and markets to promote and sell their work for them, because often they don't have the confidence/platform/time to do so.
We also promote positivity and try showcase our illustration crushes on instagram, we want to build a network of good stuff. So far it's working really well, and it also provides us a place to promote our own work without all of the focus being on us.

Cubs & Wren
Our side of the stall went really well, making around £140 between us in 5 hours. (We donated £40 to charity and I spent most of my takings on gin, but that's beside the point) This stall pushed me to make products to sell, and make friends with my printer. From this I decided to start selling my work on Etsy and rebrand myself.

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