Monday, 19 May 2014

OUIL406 Module Evaluation

This module has been separated into three briefs that focus on developing specific areas of your practice, in the Group brief I learnt how to work as a group and about the good and bad points of doing so, I think as a group we learnt how to compromise more and become more flexible to other ways of working. In the second I developed my digital skills and became more comfortable with using illustrator instead of Photoshop, I still find it extremely confusing but it isn’t quite so daunting anymore. The last brief was difficult as it was more self directed, the most important skill I developed from the latest brief and arguably the whole module is my time management, I began making weekly timetables to help organise and prioritise my work, I also found myself working for longer hours through doing this, as I knew that I had an allotted time to do things in. This skill will prove invaluable in the future.

 I used this module as a way to try get stuck into different media, including trying to work completely digitally, something I’ve not done before. My process has adapted for each brief, from 3D to Illustrator to analogue pen and ink. In Studio Brief 3 I found myself considering how media choice can convey ideas and concepts, I used pen and ink to create a rough, nostalgic feel to my finals to represent Quentin Tarantino. I have adapted my tone of voice to be looser and more simplified, I have been selective about which information to include.

I think one of my main strengths is detailed line work, I’m very controlled when working in pen and throughout this module I have begun expanding on this by using different tools such as dip pens, I think this makes my work softer while still retaining the detail achieved with fine liner. I also think when composing on Photoshop, I can create compositions quite intuitively that work well, whilst trying to do this by hand is something I struggle with as I find they can end up lacking depth, In future I think I’m going to use this as more of a jumping off point to try develop my hand drawn compositions.
I think my weakness throughout this module and quite possibly this year is my motivation, I’m still quite scared of actually getting on with things, I’m too conscious of being bad at something so instead of having a go anyway I won’t do it at all, and that’s a terrible way to be. I’m disappointed that I haven’t pushed myself further in experimenting with ideas as I see others doing. While my work can sometimes look technically good, I find it lacks substance a lot of the time as it doesn’t have the concept and trials to support it.

Five things I will do differently next time:
-       Keep organising my time, I did this to some extent but would definitely benefit more from being religious and possibly slightly neurotic about it.
-       Test different ideas, I need to be more exhaustive to get more out of the work I’m doing, I want to push myself more.
-       Stick to the colour palette of a set instead of guessing and make sure everything is the same to add more of a continuity to my work and make things work together like a well oiled machine.
-        Develop my chosen ideas more, I need to expand on them more, just because the idea might be the best of the bunch doesn’t mean it can’t be pushed further.
-       I need to develop my digital skills more, I think if I spend time trying the Wacom tablets It could add another element to my practice, I also need to try embrace illustrator so I’m not as frustrated when it’s specified on the brief.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor







Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


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